Monday, March 18, 2013

My Herb Garden

I love this time of year when the trees start to show buds of new growth, red buds and crab apple trees start to color the drive home from work, and the dirt is just begging to be turned over for spring planting.  This past weekend we broke 80 degrees here in Texas and I couldn't wait to my hands dirty!

My poor neglected herb garden needed some serious TLC.

First I had to get all the leaves out.
 Merlin thought this was great fun!

Then off to the store for new annuals, potting soil and mulch.

Yumm!  I couldn't resist!  Warning! keep mint in its own container or it will take over your garden!

Pruning really should be done in the fall but these perennials are hardy and will come back this early in the spring.

I don't seem to ever have enough fresh basil so I bought 4 plants this year.

Leaves gone, herbs pruned and replanted and garden mulched!  Ahh I can almost taste the delicious fresh dishes I'll be using these herbs in this summer!

Even Merlin agrees!



1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Now head over here and work on my yard! :-)
